Wednesday 20 January 2010

Tuesday 19th Jan

Up at nine thirty and made coffee, went online and did the usual, ant came down about an hour later and we had a coffee together. We both had a bath and then checked out what we were going to wear, did some ironing and got dressed. As per usual ant decided to panic about something and started looking for his passport just at the time i was ready to head out. He found the passport under the spare bed, don't ask how it got there, and we set of in to Hesdin to check the bank.
After the bank we headed to Marion's where we spent a very enjoyable afternoon, with good food, St Jaques, pork pruneau and a tarte au pomme, and good grog and very enjoyable conversation. Marion never fails to be good company, by six it was time to head home, we got back and i checked ant had not been given a two day trip by work whilst he went out to chop some wood. We watched a bit of tv and decided we would not bother making a big meal as we were both still full from lunch so we had a baguette each, mine a cheese and caramelized onion chutney, ant had two chicken cordon blues in his, which is a bit greedy but he seemed to enjoy it. I have decided that i am now going to give the french system a try and do our main meal at lunch time and have a light snack in the evening, i run the risk of wanting a big meal twice a day but i will try it out for the next couple of days, we get two hours of cheap electricity at lunch time so it would make making dinner half price, has to be worth keeping some money back from those thieving bxxtards at the electricity company.
The tv was a bit hit and miss but we managed watch it throughout the evening, we watched the new Krypton Factor, which was actually not bad, then at the end of the evening Planet of the Apes was on and we watched a little of that as ant had never seen it before! i used to use the film in lessons when teaching about animal rights (the modern version with Marky Mark) so i have seen it far too many times. There seems to be so little of interest on the tv at the moment, there is usually somthing i look forward to at least once in the week but now there is nothing. Off to bed at eleven thirty, a read for a good while before heading off to sleep, another day down!!

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