Tuesday 25 August 2009

The Big Push Day 6

I got up with the good intentions of getting the skirting boards painted in the living room so it could all be put back together the day after and we could get the house back to some form of normality, the road to hell is paved with good intentions we are told and this turned out to be the case. I had my coffee and went online to do the blog, then looked at Adelaide Now to see what was happening in Adelaide, chatted to Jacqui Rowe on msn for a while then made a move. I tested a strip of the wall with the masking tape and it took up a strip of paint, paint i can't replace now, so i decided to give it a miss. I phoned my friend Kenny in Glasgow to see how he was getting on and to fill him in on news here, he wasn't too surprised at the news but wanted to know if ant was aware that this was being planned, as i, apparently, make the decisions and ant follows!! I assured him this was not the case, and that ant had refused a few years ago hence we were only just at the stage now. Ant phoned from London so i gave him a call back, he told me to have a day of relaxation and we would pick up tomorrow, i have to admit my oomph was a little waning and his input would refresh my ardor, so i had a relaxing day instead. I spent some time online looking at property in the Adelaide region, and discovered that Murray Bridge would be much more in our price bracket than Gawler so i will have to pick mums brains on that one. Then i had some lunch and watched a bit of tv, and by the time i had made the bed and got myself refreshed it was time to head out and pick ant up.
We chatted away in the car on the way back, sorted out a couple of issues i had with how we were going to proceed in decorating the stairwell and i felt much more positive. When we got back i sent him upstairs for a shower then i got on with making dinner, a quiche (homemade of course) which went down well, we reclined on the bed watching tv and had a couple of stubbies (beers) nothing much on the tv, a couple of property shows, but at the end of the night we watched a documentary about a transsexual beauty pageant in Las Vegas, it was quite good and some of the transsexuals were really very convincing and incredibly beautiful, this went on till one in the morning, i was surprised ant managed to stay awake, then we headed off to bed, the Richardson-Riggs en mass again.

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